All our classes have a 14-person limit. Booking in advance is strongly advised to avoid disappointment.
We use Vitruagym for class scheduling and attendance.
If you would like to attend a class:
New Gym Members
1. Purchase a membership by clicking here
2. Create an account by selecting "I am a new client"
3. Log in to the web app or Android or iOS mobile app
4. Navigate to the schedule
5. Select the class you would like to attend
6. Click "Book Now"
Existing Gym Members
1. Log in to the web app or Android or iOS mobile app
2. If you haven't already, purchase a membership from the Webshop
3. Navigate to the schedule
4. Select the class you would like to attend
5. Click "Book Now"
If you have any trouble, just pop by the gym, and we'll be happy to help.